Lara Logan: From War Correspondent, Author, and Journalist, to Fox’s newest loose cannon 

July 20, 2022 – Isabella Arbelaez


March 29th, 1971 Lara Logan was born to parents Yolanda Logan and Derek Logan in Durban, South Africa. Not much information on her early life is available to the public, but it is stated that she attended University of Natal, Durban. During Logan’s time at university, she began her journalistic career at a local news outlet, The Sunday Tribune. She also later worked at the Daily News for her city, In this time Logan was able to not just educate herself in school, but also gain real world journalistic experience in the work force.

In 2011 Logan experienced a shocking and life-changing incident. At the time, Logan was working as a war correspondent for news company CBS. She had traveled to Egypt to report on the removal of former Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak. During her time reporting in Cairo, she was trapped in a crowd of men. As she was reporting chaos erupted and what was originally assumed to be a protest, soon turned into a traumatic scene for Logan. 

That night the crowd of men surrounding Logan assaulted her while she was reporting. She goes on to say “I fought the assault as best I could for 15 minutes”, then further explains the situation in detail. This incident would later be featured in The Terrorist Factory ISIS, the Yazidi Genocide, and Exporting Terror; written by Costel Nastasie and Patrick Desbois. Although the book was not very successful, Logan continued to speak to the public about her story and how she healed from that traumatic night in Cairo. “I may have been a victim that night, but I am not a victim for the rest of my life,” said Logan in response to how she felt after her assault in Egypt.

To this day she is still physically and emotionally recovering. In a 2017 interview with The Toronto Star, she stated that she had “ongoing physical health problems because of severe pelvic pain. I have arthritis in my right hand — that was from holding onto our security person for as long as I could, because he was screaming, ‘If you let go you’re going to die.” Later in the article reporter  Isabel Teotonio asked her about the mental and psychological affects that she may deal with, and in response Logan replied “ I struggle physically and emotionally and I live with memories that are hard, but they don’t haunt every waking moment.” Along with the physical struggles from her assault in 2011, Logan was later diagnosed with breast cancer around a year later. Thankfully, she has recovered and is now living a nice life with her husband and two children in Texas

Since March of 2020 our world has not been the same, and Lara Logan is not in any way afraid to say so. Over the past two years she has made multiple appearances on Fox News, dozens of podcasts, and other platforms. Logan is not just a podcast and news guest, but has a television show of her own titled Lara Logan Has No Agenda. This program can be streamed on Roku and Fox Now.

In November of last year, Logan was a guest on one of Fox News’s prime time programs hosted by Pete Hegseth where she stated an opinion that caused her to not just get fired from her talent agency UTA (United Talent Agency), but was also “dropped” or “pushed out”; in her words, by Fox. The words she spoke shocked people from both parties. While speaking on then topic of Covid vaccines and Dr. Fauci, Logan made a very interesting and off the wall comparison. She said “He [Fauci] represents Josef Mengele….Dr. Josef Mengele, the Nazi doctor who did experiments on Jews during the Second World War and in the concentration camps. And I am talking about people all across the world are saying this, because the response from Covid, what it has done to countries everywhere, what it has done to civil liberties, the suicide rates, the poverty, it has obliterated economies. The level of suffering that has been created because of this disease is now being seen in the cold light of day.” The next day the internet exploded with, tweets, posts, articles and more. There are many people that dislike Fauci for what he says and does, but that does not give anyone an excuse to compare him to a man that killed so many men, woman and children that he was given the nickname the Angel of Death. That November evening Logan unintentionally changed her place in the political world forever. You would not think that the organization that hired her, had her as a guest, and gave her a show, would let her go after her long time relationship with the news outlet.

After Logan was let go from her agency and is no longer regularly appearing on Fox, she really has not done much. She does continue to post on her social media platforms, where she still gets to share her strong views and opinions, along with checking the facts of the current political topics that are popular.